Thursday, April 28, 2011


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Poems in D

Douglas L. Simmons

Copyright © 2005 by Douglas L. Simmons

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      David's Children

      Will the sun be surely shining
      in the morning over there?
      All your silver ships are climbing
      feel the heat trails in the air.

      Well your star it is not gleaming,
      you say it's been that way before.
      All our tears are softly screaming
      but can not reach you to say more.

      Oh you leave your dreams all standing
      in the rain and in the cold.
      In your darkness you're demanding
      another painful truth to hold.

      How could you believing
      aim to be so far above them?
      How can you be leaving
      and claim to me that you love them?

      Oh now that you are growing
      so very wild and free,
      the endless winds are blowing
      down the changes; can't you see?

      All your pretty visions shifting
      on your blood won sacred sands.
      All your petty visions sifting
      through your blood stained empty hands.

      Will the sun be surely calling
      in the morning anywhere?
      All your silver spears are falling,
      feel the heat trails ever nearer?

      Doug L.
      October 18,1973
      Mainz, Germany

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      At the ending of the river,
      on the Mississippi Delta.
      Where the muddy river waters go,

      way out into the ocean;
      in the cold Atlantic Ocean,
      where the Gulf Stream waters flow.

      Gonna sail me down the river.
      Gonna find me a little island,
      where the coconut and palm trees grow;

      where the summer air is breezy
      and the sunny life is easy.
      Where the waves along the sea shore glow.

      In the crystal moonlight shining
      hear the lonely hearts a-pining
      for the only love that ever they will know.

      Past the ending of the river,
      through the Mississippi Delta,
      moves the Muddy Mississippi, dying slow.

      Doug L.
      Hammond, Indiana

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      Love me for this moment.
      Let tomorrow go,
      if living for the moment
      is the only way we'll know.

      Life is such a brief thing
      passing by and gone.
      What we do now, together,
      is forever when it's done.

      I could want to love you dearly,
      tenderly, and long.
      I would love you, just as clearly
      knowing you would soon be gone.

      Then the vision of your beauty,
      and the sweetness of your smile,
      would perform their tragic duty.
      And be with me for a while.

      And the love which lingered after
      the fading of that fire
      would be just and due repayment
      for full filling this desire.

      Doug L.
      Sunday 3:13 A.M.
      May 30, 1993
      Walnut St. Hammond, Indiana

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      Don't Turn Me Down

      Mother Nature don't turn me down,
      I hear it coming?
      It's an awful sound.
      Won't you take another look around?

      I got my children counting on me.
      What are you gonna do,
      you gonna let them freeze in the cold,
      or leave them alone with no one to hold?

      Now I know that we ain't
      done you no right,
      and times we hurt you
      in our flight to be free.

      We've been drinking your blood
      to do what we wanted to do.
      We have taken and given
      nothing back to you.

      But now we're writing songs
      and singing them to you.
      Collecting your wounded
      and bringing them to you.

      And helping your children
      to make it too.
      Telling everybody they've been mistreating you.
      Now, then I am entreating you....

      Doug L.
      February 22, 1974

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      I had a dream of a beautiful world.
      I had a dream of a beautiful girl.
      A dream of you.
      A dream of you.

      I had a dream the universe was mine.
      I had a dream that lasted for all time.
      But without you there is no dream.
      And without you what could life mean?

      How could you lay here with me and then be gone?
      How could you love me and leave me alone?
      Without a dream?
      Without a dream?

      Now my nights seem so much longer than before.
      And now my days I spend them watching at my door.
      I watch for you. I wait for you.
      I long for you. I pray for you.

      Doug L.
      Autumn 1981
      Hammond, Indiana

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      Dream Of Tomorrow

      Dream of tomorrow
      while living today.
      Live in tomorrow
      when it comes your way.

      Let yesterdays go
      where yesterdays do.
      Keep only the goodness
      they've given to you.

      6-4-94 1:00 A.M.
      Doug L.

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